Friday, January 8, 2010


Explaining how I handle this blog might be useful to understand why I haven't posted anything recently. If you must know, I am continuously writing posts for this blog. The thing is that lately, without a special reason, I have become much more selective with the things that actually go online; that's why you haven't seen posts since November. My list of draft posts that will never be published therefore keeps growing.

It is surprisingly easy to ruin a good idea for a nice post. Ideas for posts arise in weird ways; sometimes I have a good idea but I don't know how to develop it properly, and sometimes I have a cool title which looks like a potentially nice post but I fail in realizing it. I has happened that I am happy with a post, but it is too long. Being a blog consumer has made me an enemy of long posts. Many times I have had a good idea but not the time, energy, or inspiration to turn it into something readable by others.

Quite recently I have finished some posts but I wasn't fully convinced to put them online so I didn't. Sometimes posts end up being too personal, and after all, I am a reserved guy. Sometimes they're too radical or I repeat myself in some absurd topic. I do not regret, however, spending time in writing and not posting things online. It is certainly not a waste of time: after all, this blog exists because of my desire of writing and not because of the desire of reading of my many fans around the globe. Writing is useful in that it helps me to confront with my ideas and random thoughts. The confrontation is not always graceful, as you can imagine.

1 comment:

Ebbe said...

Jorge Seco PĂ©rez. ;-)